Materials Used

#1 Materials Used


In this tab it is possible to view the materials, which the subcontractor should have used in order to produce what has alredy been inserted in Returned Items tab. The tab is made up of: a header on which it is possible to view the selected line information in Returned Items tab; a grid on which there is a list (with the possibility to be changed) of materials used by subcontractor; and lastly another grid, linked to the superior grid, on which it is possible to set the lots of materials used by subcontractor.

The columns, that can be viewed in the grid, are as follows:

  1. Class, Item Code, Variant, Material Description and Item Variant Description: through these columns it is possible to view the class, code, item description, variant and description of the material used by subcontractor
  2. Option: through this column it is possible to view the item line option
  3. UM: through this column it is possible to view the operational U.M. of material used by subcontractor
  4. Quantity Used: through this column it is possible to view the material quantity used by subcontractor and that will be unloaded from subcontractor warehouse. This quantity, that can be edited by user, is proposed according to the unit quantity set in Materials of the subcontractor order to be used and in corrispondence to the same order line executed with the return line selected in Returned Items tab. This unit quantity is multiplied for the returned quantity and in this way it is possible to obtain the quantity used
  5. Returned Quantity: through this column it is possible to view the material quantity that the subcontractor returns and that will be loaded on returns warehouse
  6. Warehouse: through this column it is possible to view the Returns warehouse code, obtained by the subcontractor parameters and viewed automatically only if the returned quantity on the material grid is inserted and edited by used
  7. Template: through this column it is possible to view the template code for Returns load, obtained by the subcontractor parameters. It is viewed automatically only if the returnes quantity is inserted on the material grid that can be edited by user
  8. Option Description, Warehouse Description, Template Description: through these columns it is possible to view the option description, warehouse and template set in the material line

In the grid below the user can indicate the material lots that have been used by subcontractor. The columns and the usage rules of grid are the same as the lots grid of the Lots\SN tab, which is in Returned Items tab.

Hereinafter the list of actions that can be performed through the RIBBON BAR:

Insert It refers to the procedure to insert a new return: the application saves the return just inserted automatically and cleans up all fields making the window available for a new return insertion.
SaveButton to save the modifications of the return.
Estimated ReturnsIt refers to the procedure that explodes the Execution from Order window and that enables the user to transfer return items from subcontractor orders.
Preview It shows the subcontractor return preview.
Print It prints the report of subcontractor return on the default printer.
Documents It enables the user to access Document Management and view the possible documents linked to the subcontractor return

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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